Sunday, December 03, 2006

CBC Cuts Off Stephane Dion's Mike

Despite CBC's talking heads describing this 2006 Liberal Leadership Convention as one of the most important and most exciting in modern political times, which it legitimately is, at least since the Trudeau nomination in 1968, and despite Stephane Dion bragging about his new status that will protect him from his mike being cut off, CBC did just that! Amounting to the biggest insult in modern political times CBC cut short Dion's acceptance speech, which is important to all Canadians, and they cut to hockey! What's more Canadian than that? Beer? Tim Horton's coffee? The “Canadian Idiot”?

CBC is the Canadian Idiot.


Saskboy said...

They continued on Newsworld did they not?

And CBC didn't even televise any of the Green Party leadership convention, did they?

darthcricket said...

Continue on Newsworld they did but I don't subscribe to extra channels so it was frustrating 'interruptus' for me. :-) I also read that CTV coverage did the same thing yet that would be no surprise considering their corporate masters but 'our' national broadcaster ultimately bends to the will of it's imposed mandate - go for the money not the content regardless of it's quality.

As for the Green Party Convention, I'm ashamed to find that it escaped me altogether and for someone trying to be as attuned as possible to all things green, I am utterly blown! Does knowing that Elizabeth May doing a remarkable showing (2nd place) in the London byelection mitigate me in any way? :-) I would have liked to have seen her won that bastion of old establishment money.

Cheers friend

Saskboy said...

I think you can see the Green convention on online.

Saskboy said...

Oh, and I don't get cable either, so I turned to blogs at the point of hockey.

In fact, I'm the leader of the Teleban, devoted to Banning TV, so I shouldn't even have been watching to begin with ;-)

darthcricket said...

Damn! Gotta figure out (have the nerve) to let loose the power of Linux through it's Terminal Programs.
Flash has been sitting stupidly on my desktop for 2 months. Or I've been too busy slinging stones at all and sundry.

Wish me luck and congrats on your blogging laurels will check the Teleban!

darthcricket said...

By the way. Is your pic there us firing back at the Americans who are shooting up the Great Lakes? Let the Water Wars begin!

(I don't mean shooting up as in injections, that would be lethal, or maybe that's how they put to sleep death rowers.)