Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Condi’s Sweet Nothin’s

Did Condi whisper sweet nothin’s in Paul's ear or is that a pistol in his pocket?

Cool Rhetoric, Rice Urges Canada
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"...Ms. Rice also took note of concerns about gun smuggling, saying U.S. and Canadian authorities are working together to improve security along the border against smugglers, terrorists and other threats. Ottawa says about half the gun crimes in Canada involve weapons that have come north illegally."

Up until the other day Martin and Pettigrew were seeking $5 billion in damages from the illegal US action on softwood lumber. Since Condi arrived we are seeing the figure of $3.5 bilion! What gives Paul? Is there some kind of negotiating going on behind closed doors? Is Pierre in on this too? What else is going on behind closed doors?

Evil Grin >}-)

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