I am pleased to have been nominated for this Kreativ Blogger Award by Janet Koops from http://postcardfiction.com/. She has such a unique dexterity with words that her writing is insightful and reflective using so few of them. I am envious.
• Display the award image on your blog.
• Acknowledge the nominator.
• List ten things about yourself that readers probably don’t know.
Pass the award along by nominating at least six other blogs you enjoy reading. Although it’s a little bit “chain letter”ish in that regard, it is a nice way to show others you appreciate and enjoy their dedicated words.
So, here are ten things you may not know about me
1. I was born in a snow bank. Well, not actually but I was born in Canada where there used to be snow banks.
2. When I first got a guitar to impress the girls, I learned by ear the bass lick from Peter Gunn – very sexy!
3. When I was in high school, I was on the swim team in my skimpy speedos. Girls came to watch our practise.
4. Also when I was in high school, I had a reputation amongst the girls in other schools that they scored with me – totally untrue! I was a virgin until I was 19.
5. I used to be shy.
6. I have developed platonic relationships with trees.
7. I have a very special tree that adopted me.
8. I am darthcricket.
9. I have knac for being a pest.
10. My life's work is to work out "Toccata & Blues in Em".
My personal ‘best of’ blogs are:
Kai Nagata
bored but not broken
Postcard Fiction
Murray Dobbin
James Laxer
Hogtown Scribble & Daub
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