Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Royal Ontario Goes Condo

"Graywood Developments Ltd. was confirmed as the selected partner for the proposed redevelopment of 90 Queen’s Park. The Board authorized staff to enter into negotiations with Graywood on a project for the Museum-owned site of the former Planetarium that will include residential and Museum uses. This capital development is not included in the scope of the current Renaissance ROM project."


Marie and I thoroughly enjoyed our Romwalk Renaissance Tour this evening and we especially wish to thank Peter for the interesting, informative, engaging and often amusing experience. In a word we were stimulated. The second most surprising Toronto fact was that we have the largest inventory of Victorian architecture in North America!! I have been under the impression that, until recently, our heritage was always at the mercy of development.

Which brings me to the most shocking fact that the latest proposal was to replace the Planetarium with essentially a condo! Thankfully you have not ‘inked’ a deal and that you are open to alternative options.

As I am not able to be persuasive with cash I can humbly offer you my thoughts for your consideration, or that they could lead to further stimulating ideas.

One is a combination of your ‘crystal’ design concept and a TV series I watched the other night on CBC, “Queen Victoria’s Empire”. The property could be developed as U of T’s ‘crystal palace’. An expo of all the university departments’ greatest achievements in the Arts, Sciences and Humanities, past and present.

Also as you need to raise public investment, to the extent that you can avoid the need of a developer’s for-profit condos, perhaps you have considered a yearly ‘grand’ lottery, similar to the hospital lottery along with your other exciting fundraising events – auctions, runs, etc.

When we said our farewells, Peter reminded me of my offer to “do some thinking”. This is what he stimulated.

Many thanks and we look forward to more walks.


darthcricket said...

Such is the Way

In the market for condos starting at over half a mil? Bottom floor opportunity for the frugal rich and no better place to strat to claw your way to the penthouse @ $6 mil+.

Buy now before the bubble bursts and you're tempted to take a long walk off a short deck.

darthcricket said...

Such is the Way

In the market for condos starting at over half a mil? Bottom floor opportunity for the frugal rich and no better place to start to claw your way to the penthouse @ $6 mil+.

Buy now before the bubble bursts and you're tempted to take a long walk off a short deck.