Friday, August 19, 2005

Boy Scouts and Global Warming

Exerpted from a thread on CafePress: "Mother Nature must be pissed"

Yesterday's Scouts are major contributors to today's Global Warming.

(edit 4 sp)

I don't know what scouting is like today but 40 years ago Baden Powell's were of a quasi-military nature in Canada & Britain, despite the Aurthurian "good turn" aspect. And thinking of it in those benign terms, I guess one could see us as apprentice knights and knightesses. But Camelot was then and not now.

Our ecological footprint (SUV's and all) has Mother Nature bent on teaching us a lesson - SCIENCE lesson!

I have no doubt that environmental awareness has many badges in scouting and hopefully it will become sustained merit and not like the lip service that the cop-outs of the babyboom generation exercised.

please excuse my rant



Posted 17 August 2005 09:28 PM
Quasi-military or not, I still don't see how Scouts can contribute to global warming.


As one of the original themes of this post was weather extremes, I think the intention behind it was primarily Global Warming and, humourous or otherwise, the BSA was used as a doubtful example of making a point. I realise that BSA is a passionate, emotional issue these days. After all, isn't our passions why we are putting messages on t-shirts and stuff?

Continuing in the 'weather vein'(phonetic pun intended), according to most science, we all to some degree contribute to GM and I am inclusive of all scouts since Baden Powell in 1907, and BSA in 1910 to the present, which according to Wikipedia, there have been 110 million members.

For argument, let us assume that pre-1950, accumulative membership might have been one third. So maybe 7,260,000 American kids were scouts post-50s. So the generation who are influencing our government/corporate policies today must include a respectable representation from this highly appreciated group.

According to Scouting For All, membership in 2000 is 3,351,969,(or 4,941,957 according to disputed sources). So according to Scout Oath and Law, the Boy Scout Handbook, and the Citizenship merit badge booklets, we can see that scouting teaches its members to help make the earth a better place.

But as Gandalf is pointing out it is not a better place.

Actions speak louder than words and weather, ... oops whether... its scouts or anyone else, precious little has been done since the 50s, and our present understandings are rendered inactive due to personal, self-imposed lifestyle choices or barriers imposed from the 'powers-that-be', whoever they are.

So it is my opinion that scouts too are accessories to present environmental conditions and somehow hope that Scout leadership will succeed in making sustained action louder than words.

And thus I sell my stuff!!

Funny how a simple question can let loose a barrage of thoughts! lol

with respect to all

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