In the 2006 Federal Election the Liberals under Chretien used attack ads to create the fear of Harper’s Secret Agenda. Not that it backfired on them because they say hate…or I mean attack ads work, but Harper won anyway only because the Libs were hated, dishonest and couldn’t be trusted. Harper’s victory was just punishment by Canadians and to teach them a lesson that Canadians still have the power.
Canadians (70%) for most of the last half century, and still to date, have lived well and are comfortable with a left of centre governance but for the last decade (or three) fear to vote their natural preference and are forced to feel what is shown to them and what they hear. But unfortunately Canadians didn’t have the leaders to take back the power they gave up to Harper. This election could be different. If you are looking for a leader to take you into the great unknown a, where Canada has never been before, and Harper is not going to explain it to you, it takes more than just a managed economy, which Harper luckily inherited from Paul Martin, it will take someone you should trust with your first born.
When you look back to those fiery accusations or allegations, most turned out to be quite accurate or even true!
"This is what Stephen Harper told his American friends: 'Canada is content to become a second-tier socialist country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services, to mask its second-rate status.' When he said, 'You won't recognize Canada when I get through with it,' he wasn't kidding."
"Get a load of this. Stephen Harper once said: 'The Western ridings that the Liberals hold are dominated by either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada. People who live in ghettos.' We're not kidding. He actually said that."
The ads ended with a voice stating the Liberal campaign slogan, "Choose Your Canada".
"From the Washington Times, Dec. 2, 2005: 'Canada may elect the most pro-American leader in the Western world. Harper is pro-Iraq war, anti-Kyoto and socially conservative. Bush's new best friend is the poster boy for his ideal foreign leader. A Harper victory will put a smile on George W. Bush's face.' Well, at least someone will be happy, eh?"
For more Harper quotes go to Stephen Harper Quotes.
Each year the political process gets more extreme. Negative ads are now having real consequences. Elected politicians are no longer opponents but are now enemies. Question Period is no better that monkeys in a cage throwing their poo. Harper’s Conservatives and the Liberals are mostly to blame as they hold most of the seats and the biggest budgets to buy this media hate propaganda. (btw. This really sells and the media eats it right up) It has really come back on the Liberals who, for the last, and recent election, are getting their brakelines snipped, tires slashed, “L” scratched on the paint job, and graffiti defacing their property. No reports yet from the Harper Conservatives, Greens, Bloc, NDP or anyone else.
Vandals strike homes, cars of Liberal backers
A slew of Liberal supporters in a Toronto riding arose on Good Friday to learn their tires had been slashed and their vehicles keyed with a partisan "L," reminiscent of a similar spate of vandalism that hit the district during the last election.
Toronto ridings spooked by spate of tire slashings
The worst possible act of this rage inducing propaganda was the attempted assassination directed against Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Attempted assassination
On November 5, 2010, Giffords was declared the victor after a close race against Republican Jesse Kelly. Kelly, an Iraq War veteran (and not related to Mark Kelly), was listed as a top ten Tea Party candidate to watch by Politico, and described by azcentral.com as highly conservative even compared to Sarah Palin. Giffords had been targeted for defeat by Sarah Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC.
Giffords participated in the reading of the United States Constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives on January 6, 2011; she read the First Amendment.
You have to agree that this extremist violence has to be seen objectively and not emotionally as their creators intend to spread fear and look for the alternative – it is here! Canada: Democracy = Majority