Friday, December 10, 2010

World Class Humour

It's good to have a mayor of the world class city of Toronto who has a sense of humour and can appreciate that most Torontonians have one too and can laugh at him.

He thought it would be fun to invite Don Cherry, the one in pink, to do the honours and not much thought to his short investiture speech. It was a riot!! I hope that it was intended to be a schoolyard prank.

But seriously folks, the first kudo was his excellency Stever (The Cleaver) Harper.

The Tea Party has nothin' on us! Watch out Americay we're a comin again!! (humour {and to humour the Yanks, humor})


Monday, November 08, 2010

A reply to an article by Kevin Libin: Connecting the dots in the National Post

The Tea Party is a group of angry, disaffected Americans who have just been set up by the power behind Wall Street who for some reason Obama had to bring on board in his administration. Perhaps his thought was that those who broke it could fix it and also best to have your enemies in view.

Also just look at some of the founders of the Tea Party, The Koch brothers for example, with a $35 billion tar sands refining opertion to run. Wall Street now have unwitting pawns on the political game board of disintegrating "Western democracy". This isn't a recent phenomena but had its claws in the economy with the end of the Keynes Philosophy and superceeded by the Milton Friedman School of thought, the Market is infallible and exercised his economics thanks to Thatcher & Reagan.

- “They’ve looked at their situation and decided in the last two years, Obama made the drift of recent decades explicit, and a lot of Americans woke up to that and decided they didn’t like where they were drifting to,”

Obama got his majority as people were looking for a different kind of leadershp not like the Bushs' & Clinton's which were only two sides of the Wall Street coin and just two years doesn't make up for the last thirty. Americans don't wake up that fast. No country does.

As for fundamentalism of any kind be it free market, Christian, Muslim, Judaism, it has always succeeded in creating extremely divisive conflicts and is exploited by a group who have the power, or think they have the power or want more power, to justify the destruction of those who oppose them. If you can tap into their emotions (9/11, Wall Street Crash of 2008) and combine it with additional fears you will have control of dedicated willing extremists.

Steyn's assertion that "United States as the only liberal power properly equipped, both demographically and psychologically, to withstand the undermining of its values by the growing global influence of Islamic fundamentalism." is that it was violently born in 1776 and developed a pathological nationalism for whom the Tea Party was an iconic symbol of David defeating the English Goliath.

Steyn is using Khadr to support his anti-immigration thesis "Khadr family as the poster boys for all that’s virtuous in Canada, it’s not an assimilation issue, it’s a societal issue.” It could be argued that one society's "poster boy" is another society's "poster boy" (intended) such that it could also be argued that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. Khader is just a symbol, an icon, a pawn with an Islamic fundamentalist angle.

Where could this lead? "The Clash of Civilizations" is more than just a euphemism it today it is intended to become reality. The bible, like H.G. Well's Journey to the Moon, is written by man and was most likely inpsired by events and thoughts, some divine/creative, of the time. But what ever man can envision he can create a serious illusion of reality. Some realities are pathological particularly those who look in the skies for Armageddon. As the rich become richer and resources, rational society, and climate dissappear by their hands, we are left with the last man standing. He will die too Mr. Steyn.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Thanks4Giving 10/10/10

The internet has given us reason to give thanks in these times of corporate media throttling of diverse thought. It has given us grassroots, collective capability to stand against the distorted power of the few who are throwing our society and environment into the greyzone of confusion, doubt and fear.

We give thanks for the ability to mobilize instantly, to share common values, to open our minds, to develop opportunities to create & debate and to understand others as you would like them to understand you.

It gives us feelings of gratitude that, as individuals, we can express our thanks knowing that to our own selves we are true.

On Monday this week I went with a friend to make an "Urban Garden". She is the chief steward with LEAF (Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests) for this project in partnership with the TTC. This is a 10/10/10 work party event a worldwide initiative of

This is the St Clair Subway Stn before the 'micro forest' is planted.

(photo courtesy of Marie Van Schie)

This is the Leafy crew ready to start reducing Global Warming.

Go Leafs Go!!

This is part of the Leafy crew putting the fine touches in the dark and light drizzle.

I can smell the fresher air already! The new Urban Forest in the heart of mid-town Toronto doing its part (per million).

(photo courtesy of Marie Van Schie)

Wishing you all a special Canadian Thanksgiving and give thanks to all that hear you!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Gaza - The Lesser Guilt

While Harper was hardening his commitment to Netanyahu, I doubt that he knew he was shaking hands with the devil and that piracy was unleashed on the Gaza Flotilla early that morning. Not that it really matters as Harper has no aversion to devils and has little compassion for much of the consequences as long as he believes creating a world of his imagination.

Netanyahu has a more directly violent lack of compassion and will push his contempt for the world beyond Israel’s border. Many have commented on a people who have faced psychopathic lack of compassion during the “Final Solution” so he has taken the role of the Hebrew’s avenging God.

And now I’m beginning to wonder if Ignatieff’s feeble whines of dismay aren’t carefully hiding a lack of conscience and he still has invisible ties to the Rove machine. This would account for the pandering to Harper as the Liberals become less and less of a threat year after year.

As for the guilt? Netanyahu is true to his soul and therefore has no guilt. Harper has little soul and his agenda has been fully exposed now for a few years and as a Canadian we must burden him at the polls with a fair proportion of guilt as he is incapable of doing it himself. Ignatieff? Who would have imagined? I can see nothing but guilt now behind those aristocratic eyebrows.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Hypocracy of Harpercracy

Stephen Harper never really was a good actor, nor is he a hip fashionista. Whenever his dresser tries to pry him out of his suit you know that something is up. If he thinks Canadians are dumb then he's sure that the rest of the world are dumber. After all who ever paid attention to Canada at all. Not even really Afghanistan. Maybe he pricked Copenhagen's attention with his smarmy faux pas and dirty oil.

Probably true that the rest of the world has no idea of his fundamentalist misogynism amongst other global deceptions underscored by our near perfect financial survival which was more luck than planning.

You have to give him credit for his gall to call the G8 meeting in Muskoka. Does this show his empathy for aboriginal women? Will they have the conference in wigwams and longhouses? Certainly not! This is the playground for Canada's very, very rich - no Indians here. Maybe hypocracy but nice views. Nice to paint rosy pictures of hankies ringing out crocodile tears for all the Women and Kiddies who have conveniently become the flavour of the year in the Harpercrats eyes.
"On Wednesday, Liberal Status of Women critic Anita Neville told me, "Mr. Harper is not looking at these issues in Canada. Take a look at the aboriginal population. Look at maternal health care here. He's got a lot of work to do here. "

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Demand Proportional Representation

To the Honourable Leaders of the Opposition

Dear Mr. Ignatieff and Mr. Layton,

I beseech you to introduce Proportional Representation for fair elections. We would not ever have a Stephen Harper in power long enough to abuse the wishes of the majority of Canadians and besides you would get a stronger turnout at election-time when people know that their vote is effective and feel themselves to be part of a real democratic process.

You don’t need polls to read the true will of the people who, without any leadership, managed to become a major force in showing Harper their disapproval of his proroguing and are not fooled by him. We have called his bluff it’s time for you to do the same.

This is the best opportunity in a long time to call to your popular base and you may never get another one like it if you don’t. Harper can call on his base but his financial clout is weakened by his illusion of Canadian apathy and intelligence. Don’t forsake your disillusioned base!

Friday, January 08, 2010

No election plans? Just watch him

No election plans? Just watch him

Absolutely on target! Harper tries reverse psychology one more time while boasting Canada's economic position is the envy of the western world and is relying on superficial diversions to buy him political capital, Iggy's wandering in the woods and the always effective 'blame it on the opposition' to precipitate an election before the economy/debt/interest rate/bubbles hit the fan and secure his desperate "Grail" of a majority.

A Question for the Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper

A Question for the Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

Before you were elected for your first minority term, there was a fear that you had a agenda. When you promised "accountability" and we were presented with the satisfaction of punishing a dishonest government we voted in hopes that you were the lesser of two evils. You have given no evidence in the past four years that you have kept this promise for all the reasons mentioned in these other comments, and that after your first proroguing you promised Ignatieff and all Canadians that you would do better upon threat of the dreaded "report card".

Now after your second proroguing in a year, my question to you is if you have not given us "accountability" and lack of vision, then what is your agenda?

Harper Prorogues Again

Comments to the CBC.

Your Question Period: What would you ask our politicians?